We’ve been ask to use this song in same day edit for many times since the wedding of Veron & Kin. The song “婚約 Marriage Convenant” by 江曉雯 is from the album “神大愛 God’s Magnificent Love” (Please check A.G.W.M.M. 基恩敬拜音樂事工, please buy one to give support if you like the song). The groom is the friend of Veron & Kin, he would also like this song to be used in the same day edit again.

The groom is a music teacher. He play the Chinese music and we’re so lucky to listen his huqin skill in the door opening game. His students were very helpful on that day! Many tasks like the music performance in church and banquet, get the sound from the church, also the photo shooting were done by his students!

Here is the same day edit.

Same Day Edit of Lung Wei & Siu Nam from Givefunla on Vimeo.